Raleigh Commercial Ice Machine Service, Repair and
Rent Your Top Of The Line Ice Machine From Us

Commercial Ice Machine Service and Repair
For large scale or small scale ice machines, we are able to help you get your equipment up and running. Don’t let your restaurant be caught without ice or fail inspection for not having the machine cleaned regularly. Regular ice machine service from Boer Brothers will keep your business running and health inspectors happy. If your ice machine is already broken or not maintaining proper temperatures, call us now for quick ice machine repair!
Ice Machine Rental in Raleigh, North Carolina
Purchasing new restaurant equipment can be expensive, especially with the opening of a brand new restaurant. If you’ve ever had sticker shock from replacing an old item or buying a new one outright, you may have wondered if it would be better to lease restaurant equipment.
Boer Brothers Restaurant Service has begun to rent ice machines with other types of restaurant equipment to follow. Ask about this evolving service as we add different types of ice makers to our inventory.
Ice machines are known to be among the least reliable of all kitchen equipment. For a small set up fee and a monthly subscription you can have reliable ice guaranteed.
Boer Brothers Restaurant Services provides you with:
·Top of the line commercial ice machines (Kool Aire manufactured by Mantiwoc)
·All preventative maintenance and repairs (no hidden costs!)
·Ice maker bins and ice dispensers
·Complimentary standard water filters (2 per year)
·Free Breakdown Ice if the ice machine needs repair and our technicians can’t fix it quickly
Product Options
Options | 100-200 lbs | 300-500 lbs | 700-900 lbs | 1,000-1200 lbs |
No storage | $170/month | $279 | $310 | $360 |
Storage | NA | $295 | $345 | $380 |
Professional Installation | x | x | x | x |
Breakdown Ice | x | x | x | x |
2 Water Filters per Year | x | x | x | x |
All Repairs Included | x | x | x | x |
Preventative Maintenance included | x | x | x | x |
- ✓ Repairs due to environmental conditions not included
- ✓ Sales Tax not included
- ✓ 30 day cancellation policy
- ✓ Set up fee is $450