About Us
The Story Of The Boer Brothers
The Boer Brothers grew up in Chapel Hill riding skateboards and BMX bikes down Franklin st with a certain careless abandon (townies are the worst!). Bryan was bravest and most skilled, Jeff most exuberant and David, well… he could ride. Three more different brothers you might never meet. But each brings something to Boer Brothers the others lack. After high school graduation they took divergent paths. Graduation night Bryan moved to Wilmington for culinary school, David had already left on his winding academic path racking up papers from UNC-G, UNC- Chapel Hill, University of California, University of Colorado, NC State and Duke. He then traveled and worked overseas in Poland teaching English. Jeff soon left home to pursue a business degree at UNC-G and a career out in Arizona.

Bryan dove into the burgeoning restaurant scene out in Colorado and here in Chapel Hill, honing his craft and developing his defining work values of connection with customers, making it right and professional pride and excellence. Soon though, the late night rigors of the restaurant business began to tell on Bryan and he sought a change. He found solace and comfort in restaurant repair service and HVAC, he found his real calling. He called Jeff and asked him to come home. Bryan and Jeff apprenticed and pursued HVAC degrees and worked for almost a decade before striking out on their own in 2007, opening Boer Brothers Heating and Cooling. David joined a bit later on the business side. Many of those relationships from the early days still comprise the core of our business. It has been an adventure and allowed our brotherhood to grow, challenged each of us and given us a playground to develop as leaders, brothers and community members.
Boer Brothers Restaurant Services is the love child of Boer Brothers Heating and Cooling and Bryan and Jeff Boer’s love of food and deep respect for those who make commercial kitchens run. In another life Bryan was a chef himself and still understands and imparts to our team the critical nature of commercial kitchen repair, maintenance and quality installations that will stand the test of time. Boer Brothers Restaurant Services is now a full division within Boer Brothers Heating and Cooling. The mission of this new organization is to focus on solving your problems with your refrigeration, cooking and ventilation equipment. We are here to free you to focus on the many other areas that require your attention. Our focus is to join your team and provide rapid, cost effective solutions with a focus on the ongoing relationship. Relationships are built on trust, trust is built on delivering on promises. Our promise is be fair, be honest, do great work, solve your problems and be quick about it. And to be someone you are glad is on your team.